Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Post-Modernism Short

As a part of my New Visual Language project I was asked to define the term Post-Modernism, and so taking what I learnt from my lectures and from my own research which branched off from the lectures I wrote this short summary.

Post-Modernism is widely considered as the polar opposite of modernism. Post-Modernism is a graphic style that is built upon emotion, reaction and interpretation. These three areas are explored freely, without the limit of Modernist rules and systems. Post-Modernism is a way designers can wholly represent their interpretation of a subject in its purest form before it is rained in and constricted by rules. Post-Modernism was a new way of thinking, it rejuvenated creative minds and replenished the creative field with further innovative and modern work. Post-Modernism is emotion creatively represented in a raw form.
Post-Modernist designers wanted to challenge your expectations and challenge the canon of Modernist ‘good design’. It wanted to explore ground that had never been walked across. It was an expedition into the unknown and the designers involved kicked up the leaves and disturbed the water of the norm.