Friday, 8 May 2015
Title Sequence - Working in 3D Space
Title Sequence from Emma Nicholson on Vimeo.
Like all of my other animations, I started off in Illustrator creating the typography on separate layers ready to be imported into my composition. Once I imported them into AfterEffects, I then enabled 3D options on all the layers, now I can manipulate the layers on a Z axis as well as X and Y. I manipulated the positions, rotations, speed on various elements the usual way, it took a minuet or two to get used to the effect the 3D element had but I found it was very easy to use. I then applied null objects and edited whole groups to create interesting transitions.
An interesting feature I learnt was being able to pre-compose some of my elements. So I used this feature to add a track matte to my typography, it is like a clipping mask in Illustrator. Pre-comosure is useful as it automatically updates changes to the main composition and so it saves confusing the main composition with more effects.
I was then shows how to apply layer effects, I used the emboss effect to add some interaction between the type and the background. I also made a vignetting effect to draw the eye into the centre on the frame. To create this I made a dark solid layer, I then created a mask with the shape tool and applied the subtract blending mode, I increased the feather of the mask and lowered the opacity to make it more subtle.
I then rendered the composition and converted to low quality for the web.