- Craftsmanship
- What is the rule of a craftsman today
- Making and the Maker
- There is a common feeling that things made in the past are more authentic. Such as manual typesetting or film photography. This is because you are more physically involved in the process
- Digital forms can be deceiving, e.g.. photoshop
- Charlie Brooker - Black Mirror Series
- Authenticity is thought to be connected to the truth
- An authentic sweet shop is seen as humble and honest
- A forged painting is not as valuable as the original no matter how well it is done because it does not carry the idea behind it
- Forgery is always illegal as it is intended to deceive. A fake is fine as it is a confessed copy
- 'Craftsmanship names an enduring, basic human impulse the desire to do a job well for its own sake.'
Richard Sennett
- A craftsman is a label given to identify a fully educated worker of their craft
- Stones of Venice
- A 'working creature' can be either a man or a tool. Man has passion for their ideas which bring forward mistakes and inaccuracy; take away these imperfections and you turn man into a working engine. To make precise movements and calculations is to become de-humanised, a machine with no other purpose than to make the same things the same way. With imperfections of man comes the endless possibility this is accidentally discovered through mistakes.
- Reference to design and type
- In painting you can use the word authentic in two ways. One, it is an authentic painting as it is not a fake. And two, authentic in the sense that of how it was made and the connection between the artist and the painting
- This second meaning of authentic can be challenged due to opinion. If someone did the same technique, is it authentic to them or the original artist?
- Martin Heidegger
- Authentic relationships: if you look at the picture of the hammer you get an idea of it. But if you accidentally use it you develop an authentic bond and understanding of it
- Phenomenology: theory of experience
- Knowing the word is different to knowing the physical thing
- The Hand, short film
- Hand clutching lead