During the Modern Life is Rubbish pt1 Lecture a question was asked: What is the perfect human? And so I thought I would try and answer this question and give my thoughts on it.
So what is the perfect human? There are so many ways I could consider this. I could approach this is many different ways and from a few different viewpoints. I could look at it from an aesthetic point, a primal point, a cultural point and even my personal point of view. Or I could consider all of these.
In the modern world we often obsess over celebrities and idols we aspire and look up to. What makes these celebrities so desirable and interesting to us? It is mainly the superficial values like their good looks or talents we see and like, we rarely see what is behind these traits, their personality and opinions etc. This is why our love for celebrities is so fickle; why we can so easily forget about them and move onto the next at any given moment. Which leads me to believe outside values may not be as important for the perfect human as they are so feeble and unstable.
I can now look at more long lasting admiration, such as close friendships and relationships. Usually the friends and companions we love most are the kind of person we can connect with on an unexplainable level. Superficial good looks or skills do not usually play a key part in the fabric of these bonds, it is the unexplainable qualities of a person which brings two people together in this way. These qualities however, and the desire for different qualities, vary from each person. And so because of this it is difficult to pinpoint universal traits that are admired by most people so I can not build my perfect human on personal qualities.
One viewpoint which I can pick definitive qualities from is the primal qualities that help us to survive, like strength and reproduction etc. We would not be alive without these qualities and so that makes them essential in the perfect human. Making my judgement on these traits is not so difficult as the process of natural selection has slowly picked out and crafted these qualities. And because of this I realised that from a primal and survival point of view hasn't the perfect human already been created, art we all perfect humans because natural selection those us and made us this way?
If this is so then the perfect human will always be in a state of change as the world changes and our needs to survive changes. We are the current perfect humans. What will the perfect human be in 100 years time?