Monday, 9 March 2015

Learning HTML

I have had a long running interest in HTML and CSS and after a workshop on Processing it kickstarted me and so I began trying out the basics of HTML.

So this all started with this workshop on Processing which you can see above. Processing is a varied form of Javascript and here I used it to program a range of images of letters to type out random quotes and so behave in a certain way inside the canvas which I assigned it. This was usually telling it to stay within the canvas and to start another line when it reached the end. This was fun but I could not see how I could use it int he majority of my work, however since I enjoyed it so much I decided it was time to properly start to learn HTML and CSS.

I bought I few books a while back and did some reading into the basics, however that was as far as I had got, so I went onto and begun a tutorial on the essentials of CSS and HTML. From that I then used some of the exercise files to try out what I had learnt.

Once I experimented with some tags and attributes I had learnt I decided to write my own HTML code from scratch and what you see above is the results. I only used the very basic of tags and attributes but I found it fun and exciting.

After getting a taste of HTML I am very eager to learn more so this is a skill I will be looking into further. I hope that I could by September be programming simple webpages that display my projects in a digital format.