Friday, 21 November 2014

White Space

When we as designers set type and images on a page we leave a healthy gap of white space in between each element. This helps determine the hierarchy and it also helps with legibility. I also do this with my notes, I leave lines out in between key points. And because of this I can go through notebooks very quickly. I learnt through a charity called Operation Christmas Child that children in third world countries treasure paper and fill all the gaps because it is a luxury to them, and being able to write on paper is rare. This made me think of all the paper we waste by not filling in all the white space, and how that whaste of paper could be used elsewhere. Should we as designers pay more attention to the paper we are wasting, if not fill in the white space why not pay close attention to how our paper is recycled, or even make sure our recycled paper is donated to those children and schools in thrid world countries.